Monday 30 March 2009

Find Your Business Niche

Finding and assessing a niche

To some of you this may be like going back to primary school but I promised I'd start at the beginning and this is the first place to start.

Decide first of all why you want to run your own business?
2 main reasons :

  1. Purely to make money

  2. Because you love what you do
well OK 3
3 To make money and love what you do

Step 1:Write down everything you have ever done in your life, everything you've learnt or would like to learn, everything that you've ever wanted to do, what are your hobbies, past times , then go online and find anything you like the look of. If you can't think of anything, think of your worst nightmare occupation and the reverse it.
Step 2:Go through and cross off the things which don't appeal to you at all .

Step 3:Then look at the list and put whats left in order of priority.

Now this is a little trick you may not find anywhere else as its mainly used for finding niches online but is also very useful offline.
Step 4: Use this tool which is free for 7 days and put into it every suggestion you have written down and see what comes up. It will give you suggestions for niches based upon the words and phrases you have put in (these are keywords and they will come in very usefully later on), tell you how many people are already offering that service or product and also show you how many people are looking for the service or product.

There is another way to do this but that comes later when we get to marketing and is very highly effective and I'm pretty sure not too many people actually know about it, but lets do things in order or it'll get confusing.

If your in a hurry though you can sign up to my free newsletter which has loads of free insider secrets for setting your and marketing your business

Why do you need to find a niche?

In an ever competitive world, small business' need to be more specialised in order to succeed targeting a specialised or smaller market who have unmet needs. the big boys have all of the bases covered but smaller business owners can move and make decisions faster which is a massive advantage.
Any way we are at step 1 go and do some research get started as it won't do itself.
Keep an eye out for step 2

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